c l a s s i c a l   h o m e o p a t h y
f o r   h u m a n s   a n d   a n i m a l s 

Classical homeopathy is a mild, effective and natural healing method for physical, emotional and mental complaints, both acute and chronic. 

Homeopathy fits everybody: humans and animals, young and old.

“When you touch one thing with deep awareness,
you touch everything.”

—  Lao Tzu

Our team

Margreet Hofstede

classic homeopath


Elke Kroon

classic homeopath

humane and veterinary

Carin Voskamp

classic homeopath


In times of corona

Particularly during this special period you can come to us for support with both physical and mental complaints. Do you have a lot of worries, do you want to support your resistance or do you already have complaints, we are here for you.

For information or to make an appointment, please contact us by phone or e-mail. In case we are unable to take your call, you may leave your name and contact details. We will return your call or email as soon as possible. Consultation during evening hours is possible at request.